Managing Employee Leave

- from Legal Compliance to Enhancing Organizational Efficiency

Publication Date: 28.08.2024  |  Udostępnij

In today’s dynamic work environment, managing employee leave is crucial for both the well-being of employees and the overall efficiency of the organization. However, violations related to not granting leave are commonplace, and the National Labour Inspectorate receives numerous complaints on this issue daily.

Here are key points that every employer and employee must be aware of to comply with legal regulations

  • By the end of September 2024, employees must use all outstanding vacation days from previous years.
  • After three years, unused leave is forfeited, and no compensation or financial equivalent is provided!
  • It is essential to plan for employees to use their outstanding vacation days now, to avoid potential financial penalties that can reach up to 30,000 PLN.
  • Fines are imposed individually on those representing the employer, including management, HR personnel, health and safety officers, and department managers.
PKF BPO experts stay up to date with current legal regulations. You can find the full range of our HR and payroll services here.


Investing in the right leave management policy pays off!

People are not machines. Everyone needs time to rest and recharge. This is important not only for mental and physical health but also has a significant impact on increasing workplace productivity. Research clearly shows that employees who have time to rest are less likely to take sick leave and are more efficient.

Collaboration between employees and employers in scheduling leave is therefore crucial to maintaining balance and efficiency in the workplace. It is worthwhile to implement a leave management policy, starting with careful planning and scheduling well in advance. Ensuring that each employee can take their leave contributes to their recovery and allows them to return to work fully refreshed.

Implementing a well-functioning leave management system in an organization not only boosts employee productivity but also enhances overall organizational efficiency, while improving employee motivation, health, and satisfaction.

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